Ceir gwel'd y dyrfa ddysglaer fawr
Ceir gweled tyrfa ddysglaer fawr

(Gwraig yr Oen)
Ceir gwel'd y dyrfa ddysglaer fawr,
Rifedi gwlith y boreu wawr,
    Heb friw na phoen, &c.
  Yn canu i'r Oen
        y newydd gân.

Bydd uchel ganu y pryd hyn,
Am angeu pen Calfaria fryn;
    Heb goffa mwy, &c.
  Am boen na chlwy'
        ond gwaed y groes.

Ni thraetha tafod fyth i ma's,
Hapusrwydd etifeddion gras;
    Pan losgo'r byd, &c.
  Fe bery o hyd
        eu gwynfyd hwy.

Bydd gwraig yr Oen heb boen na phwn
Yn canu'n iach y boreu hwn,
    Ar ddeheu-law, &c.
  Ei Phriod draw,
       heb farw byth.

Ei dagrau sychir bob yr un,
Er cymaint ydynt,
      er mor flin;
    Dim gofid byth, &c.
  Mewn nefol nyth,
        nis blina hi.

'Fydd yno un gorthrymwr trist,
I ddrygu priod Iesu Grist;
    Gwir heddwch llawn, &c.
  Fyth yno cawn,
        heb ryfel mwy.

Neshau mae'r waredigaeth lawn,
A'r boreu hyfryd heb brydnawn,
    Mewn nefol hedd, &c.
  Tu draw i'r bedd,
      i wledda byth.

             - - - - -

Ceir gweled tyrfa ddysglaer fawr,
Rifedi gwlith y boreu wawr;
    Heb friw na phoen, &c.
  Yn canu i'r Oen
        y newydd gân.

Bydd gwraig yr Oen y boreu hwn,
Yn iach a llon, heb boen na phwn,
    Ar ddeheulaw, &c.
  Ei phriod draw,
        heb farw byth.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

  Fe syrth aneirif sêr y nen
  Mae'r diwrnod mawr yn d'od

(The Bride of the Lamb)
The great radiant throng shall be seen,
Numerous as the dew of the morning dawn,
    With neither bruise nor pain, &c.
  Singing to the Lamb
        the new song.

There shall be loud singing at that time,
About the death of Calvary hill's summit;
    With no more remembrance, &c.
  Of pain or wound
        but the blood of the cross.

No tongue shall ever set forth,
The happiness of the heirs of grace;
    When the world burns, &c.
  Endure forever shall
        their blessedness.

The Lamb's bride, without pain or burden,
Shall be bidding farewell on that morning,
    At the right hand, &c.
  Of her Spouse yonder,
      without ever dying any more.

Her tears shall be dried, every one,
Despite how many they are,
      despite how grievous;
    No distress ever, &c.
  In a heavenly nest,
        she shall not grieve.

No sad oppressor at all shall be there,
To harm the spouse of Jesus Christ;
    Full, true peace, &c.
  Forever there we may get,
        with no more war.

Approaching is the full deliverance,
And the delightful morning without evening,
    In heavenly peace, &c.
 Beyond the grave,
      to feast forever.

                 - - - - -

A great radiant throng shall be seen,
Numerous as the dew of the morning dawn,
    With neither bruise nor pain, &c.
  Singing to the Lamb
        the new song.

The Lamb's bride on that morning, shall be
Safe and cheerful, without pain or burden,
    At the right hand, &c.
  Of her Spouse yonder,
      without ever dying any more.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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